From the outset, I want to point out that I am not a big drinker, but I do enjoy a crisp cool refreshing glass of cider every now and then.
I have found that people like different ciders for different reasons, and have also found that I enjoy defining the character of a cider much like a wine taster. Of course my taste is subjective, but I hope that my descriptions will help other people to judge which ciders they would like to try.
I welcome relevant comments on each review, that way if people completely disagree (or even agree) they can make their opinion known.
I will try to use simple scales of comparison so that reviews will have common themes, and also use factual information from retailers (such as price) and the manufacturers (such as alcoholic content).
The real aim of the blog (apart from an excuse to taste a lot of cider) is to provide a resource for cider-drinkers so that they can discover new ciders that might suit their taste without wasting money on drinks that they might not enjoy. The supermarket shelves are full of a wide range of products, I hope to be able to help fellow-enthusiasts to widen their experience.
My reviews are entirely my own subjective opinion and should be regarded as such.
This blog advocates sensible drinking and will be using recommended daily alcohol intake levels to indicate how the alcoholic strength will affect the drinker. To make things simple, I am taking the level of 3 units as the recommended limit, as in the UK the recommended limits are 2-3 units for a woman, and 3-4 units for a man